A lot of women only exercise due to viewing their bodies in a negative way. I'm here to show you that when you exercise to strengthen your body and celebrate what it can do, you'll fall in love with fitness - and more importantly how it makes you feel. The aim of class is to strengthen your body - and mindset - while learning the correct technique to perform exercises properly/safely, therefore preventing injury. Exercise shouldn't be used as punishment for eating cake - it should serve as a reminder of what you're truly capable of (and also strengthen the muscles in your arm so that you can continue to eat cake with ease)!
BodyBurn classes were created with the sole purpose to empower and inspire women through fitness in a positive and fun (honestly!) way. BodyBurn has a completely relaxed and supportive environment; I'm there to help and motivate you - not judge you - it doesn't matter where you are in your fitness journey; whether you're an absolute beginner or a total pro! Everyone is there for the same reason - to workout and to have fun whilst doing it.​ I'm not a drill sergeant; I won't scream in your face and make you scared to put your knees down mid-plank - I believe in the power of positivity and encouragement (with maybe a tiny little bit of motivational 'voice raising' during those last 3 seconds of plank!).
There are 2 classes you can book with BodyBurn; Weights or Fitness; they run every Monday from 6.30-7pm (Weights), £4 and 7-8pm (Fitness), £6.
Weights is taught in a small group setting, learning a catalogue of exercises taught with correct form and technique that you can build on each week. It's a small, friendly group where you can ask questions without feeling self-conscious and be at any fitness level. PLEASE NOTE: You must provide your own dumbbells!
Fitness is always a sweaty one (don't say I didn't warn you!) and is a mixture of HIIT training, bodyweight exercises and strength & conditioning. You don't have to be fit to join - I always give modifications to each exercise so that the class is accessible to everyone! You might want to bring an exercise mat for floor exercises - not essential but definitely helps if your knees are older than 18 years...
The thing that makes class special and different from anything you've done before is the people. At BodyBurn, you'll find your tribe. Friendly, supportive, inspiring women, all rooting for each other - and that's something you won't get on a treadmill for 45 minutes. Anyone can teach you to do burpees and press ups (and don't get me wrong...I will!), but there's no substitute for the feeling you get being surrounded by like-minded women, an instructor who won't let you quit (in a good way!) and a positive, non-judgey environment. You'll gain confidence, energy and strength served with a massive helping of girl power! What's not to love!?